The father of electromedicine and electrochemically induced cellular regeneration Dr. Robert O. Becker with Paul F Becker developer of the EarthPulse™
Robert O. Becker circa 1970’s Syracuse NY

Robert Otto Becker, MD (1923 – 2008) – 5 decades of electromedical research by a man far, far ahead of his time.
The father of electrotherapy and electrochemically induced cellular regeneration; a pioneer of silver plated nylon bandage in chronic wound care and regeneration of tissue. His entire bibliography with links to PubMed is offered for your education and not intended as promotional material for EarthPulse™.
In the 1970’s Becker warned that power frequency and radio wave fields were damaging to health. He lost his research funding and was forced out of the Veterans Administration Hospital in Syracuse University. If anyone deserved a Nobel in medicine, it was Bob, but they couldn’t allow a Nobel prize to a man warning about dangers of EMF. Little did he know that EMF’s were going to destroy the sleep patterns of all planetary inhabitants,
In our conversations between 2004 and 2007 when presented with the NASA Goodwin studies, he concurred that 10 Hz may just have some ‘magical’ effect. He died shortly after. It wasn’t until 2008 that I’d come up with MoreATP; The Mitochondrial Theory of Aging in Reverse how to enhance sleep, recovery, longevity and physical & mental performance very simply with pulsed magnetic fields.

All Dr. Robert O Becker’s books on Amazon Paperback / Kindle
Electromagnetism & Life: Drs Robert O. Becker and Andrew Marino (full book pdf)
The Body Electric: Life: Seminal classic by Robert O. Becker, MD (full book pdf)
See also; Sandyk R>, Anninos PA> , Jacobson JI; three pioneers of electromagnetic field therapy to treat Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and epilepsy.
Robert O. Becker: Complete in-vitro regeneration of adult fingertip with intact finger print, finger nail and tactile sensation.
Photo’s below as submitted in support of patent filingRobert O. Becker: Regeneration of tissue in diabetic ulcer. Becker chose amputate candidates for his research on chronic ulcers and NEVER lost a limb.
100% success during more than a decade of research.Bibliographies
(Use the PMID to find source on PubMed)