Our PEMF manufactures the only system in the world that limits frequency spectrum to 14.4 Hz to avoid biological stress. This extremely narrow range of frequencies can wake you up, or alternatively put you to sleep while creating an environment where body tends to heals itself.
Our v1 analog system was released in August 2002 based upon decades of Eastern European electric and electromagnetic research showing that 10 Hz proved far better effects than any other. Being students of Royal Rife we also chose to use Square-wave ONLY. Since alternating current does not exist in nature, we chose DC fields ONLY. Results were fantastic and we’ve not changed the core design since. In 2004 we went digital and introduced Sleep on Command, the world’s first and only real sleep-machine, recovery and performance enhancement system.
PEMF Gauss ratings from Indian Institute of Science:
Notice the vertical rise of our pulsed, 50% duty cycle, DC square waveform; from zero to 950 / 1100 gauss in nano-seconds.
Electromagnetic Inductor Configuration:
Our patented electromagnet provides both static and pulsing electromagnetic fields when applied locally. Normally from under your mattress at night you’ll be lying in a cocoon of pure North-pole pulsed field in a 1/2 – 10 Gauss range depending upon your mattress thickness. The beautiful thing about the Our PEMF is since you use it during sleep, it never interrupts your daytime schedule. It also achieves unparalleled biological response due to the long exposure times and sharp square wave rise-time.
Our patented MODULAR-ELECTROMAGNET INDUCTOR has been incrementally improved since its introduction in 2003 with our first digital models; it has several configurations; our v6 Pro has two inductors at full amplitude for more than 2000 Gauss.

AIR-CORE: i.e. hollow-core w/ amplitude 130 Gauss nano-second peakon leading edge of pulse w/100 Gauss pulsed North-pole across the square wave at surface of coil enclosure / South-polarity of equal intensity on underside;
SOLID-CORE: sleep configuration with core installed tightly into base-plate: 950 Gauss nano-second peak and 650 Gauss across the square wave, all North-polarity – base-plate becomes static South-pole magnet;
From under your mattress the Sleep-configured solid core (ring-off) provides between 14 Gauss to 1/20th Gauss depending upon thickness of mattress from 6 inch – 14 inch respectively (20 cm – 36 cm);
1/20th Gauss is enough to provide remarkable effects.
- The inventors destroyed left rotator cuff (22 dislocations over 16 years) healed itself using the v1 / v2 with a 200 gauss magnet under a 14 inch mattress in 3 months back in 2002 with NO local application whatsoever (while continuing same joint formula protocol since 1990);
- Local use at higher amplitudes work much better;
- We’ve found through the years that more is better when injured;
- Our v6’s are the most powerful PEMF systems under $10,000.
- 1100 Gauss nano-second peak / 750 Gauss across the square wave North-pole at surface of core (w/static component due to magnetized high ferrous metal core design), 100 Gauss North-pole out the side;
- Simultaneous 200 Gauss pulsed (w/static component) South-pole field at edge of cross-polarity ring attachment (designed to surround the damaged tissue with South-polarity that creates strong magnetic field gradient North/South at place of application;
- Our patented CROSS-POLARITY ring attachment allows for DUAL-POLARITY magnetic field (North/South simultaneously) which works surprisingly well on stubborn issues;
- Corrosion resistant high-ferrous steel parts finely tooled w/ round edges for comfort;
- Improved copper coil winding and metallurgy for low heat accumulation and highest amplitude in the business;
- Provides greater peak amplitudes with just the right amount of heat;
- Synergistic activity of heat (when trapped against the body) and pulsed magnetic field provides unparalleled relief.
Mat systems are EXPENSIVE and a combination of two or more of the following;
- most do NOT emit pulsed electromagnetic fields;
- they utilize triangular, trapezoid and sine waves that are time-varying expanding and contracting magnetic fields NOT pulsed; one system has a pulsed (sawtooth) waveform but EXTREMELY weak, the weakest of the mat-type systems;
- time varying fields are not propelled from the inductor and therefore do NOT penetrate deeply;
- they expand and contract but are not propelled outside the range of the magnetic field itself
- generally most pad PEMF systems are very, very weak (our DC v6 pulsed square-wave peaks at 1100 Gauss per magnet);
- The iMRS local probe produces a 3 Gauss 10 Hz square wave. Only their pen applicator and pillow (at additional cost) use a pulsed square wave. Pen has a very small surface area and holding in place long enough for it to do any good could be problematic;
- are bulky and do not travel conveniently (our v6 Pro at just 1 Kg and small);
- utilize a multitude of magnetic field emanation points causing;
- magnetic field intersections, vectors, hot-spots (the analogy -> toss one pebble into pond you get homogeneous, radiating ripples; toss two and you get two nice symmetric intersecting – radiating ripples; drop 3 or 4 or more and you get increasing levels of chaos and wave canceling; the more pebbles, the more chaos;
- use unnatural wave-forms (lightening strikes that create Schumann waves are HUGE DC square wave pulses);
- use neurologically / psychologically incompatible frequency ranges that are simply too high;
- animals studies show negative behavioral changes when exposed to frequencies greater than 15 Hz;
- the goal is to become energized, not tuned to high beta range “wired” causing stress hormone production (or worse);
- virtually all of these systems use frequencies 20 Hz and higher that are above this stress threshold;
- can’t be used throughout the night for sleep due to timer and programming limitations;
- require you to set aside time for use during the day, perhaps multiple times, rather than simply fitting into your biological sleep sessions
Annular (Tubular) Coil PEMF Systems:
- relatively expensive mat-type systems
- are not practical nor portable due to their relatively large size
- are hollow allowing body part inside of coil so they are extremely weak magnetic field as a proportion to their size
- have little application where higher power is warranted (like arthritis or non healing ulcers)
- generally require long courses of regular treatments
Table-Top and Rolling Suitcase Style PEMF Systems:
- home / clinical PEMF systems start around $10,000 to $30,000
- table top variety not very rugged and therefore not very portable
- suitcase size are designed to be relatively portable but are relatively large and heavier than the table top variety
- due to extremely high voltages can be subject to break-down
- no digital scanning
- no sleep programming
- timer limitations
- ability to use vastly too high frequency
Portable Battery Powered PEMF Systems:
All battery powered PEMF systems are tinker toys compared to Our PEMF
- generally far more powerful than mat type PEMF systems
- SomaPulse / MicroPulse @ 220 Gauss per coil
- no digital programming
- usually very narrow pulse width for battery saving
- too wide a frequency range
- SomaPulse / MicroPulse 10 Hz / 100 Hz
We designed the EP controllers to be compatible with this slim external 12v battery from Voltaic Power Systems. Air-core magnet (remove all metal components), controller and battery pack weighs just under 2 lbs. They even sell very thin, compact solar cells for recharging the battery. Bike and camp across the country, through death valley or climb Mount Everest and never have to give up your nighttime PEMF.
Our PEMF Systems are in a class by themselves:
- 1/3 – 1/6th the price; the lowest cost full function PEMF generator system in the world
- over 1000 peak Gauss (per coil)
- can be set to run for 12 hours at a time at full power (over and over again while in rehab)
- applies a relatively powerful pulsed electromagnetic field through a relatively large volume of tissue
- long enough sessions to provide extraordinary – superior experimental results.
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field PEMF Therapy Device Comparisons Summarized:
No other device of this genre comes close to EarthPulse™ pulsed electromagnetic sleep and recovery systems;… NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE.
The effect of our frequency, wave-form, amplitude and cumulative duration of exposure during regular nighttime applications synchronized to natural circadian rhythms; simply cannot be matched or duplicated. PERIOD.
By entraining brain to deeper sleep, more energy is sequestered for normal nighttime repair mechanisms. Simultaneously conditioning / “tuning” the mitochondria promotes ATP production. These two processes work synergistically to result in astounding results. Unparalleled recovery, unsurpassed strength and stamina gains, heretofore unreported epigenetic anti-aging effects.
What’s in the Box

Our PEMF Devices package includes:
- Improved 6-foot-long cables on power supply and magnet(s)
- V8 Pro has two electromagnets at full amplitude
- Improved electronic components and membrane pad control mechanism;
- Power supply: 100-240 volt AC to 12 volt DC power supply with intl. pin adapters
- Pins for local use or international travel
- Soft-side zippered travel case
You will be delighted and amazed at how well the body utilizes the frequency-specific, very-weak pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) emitted by our sleep-machine when used regularly, nightly. There isn’t a pulsed electromagnetic field therapy technology on Earth that can outperform our sleep-machine.